Are you an accredited college?
Eternal Life Bible College (ELBC) is unaccredited. We are a practical training school. Many attend to answer a call from God and prepare for ministry. Others study to develop their own personal relationship with the Lord. ELBC offers the opportunity for transformation, as your mind is renewed by the Word of God. For some, this commitment to increase bible knowledge has restored their lives and their faith. For some, it has been the beginning of a new adventure with God. And for others, it has been the discovery of God’s call on their lives. If God is calling you to ELBC, be obedient and take the first step to fulfilling your God-given destiny.
Since ELBC is an unaccredited college, what will I receive at the end of my study?
Upon the successful completion of the ELBC Theology Training curriculum and upon meeting the necessary requirements, the student will receive a Degree in Biblical Studies and be eligible to receive a certificate of license to minister the gospel. After two years the student may apply for ordination.
How long is the course of study?
Our Theological course can be completed in a little as 3 years.
You should complete at lease 2 semesters per year to stay current.
Self-Paced Courses
Enrollment for ALL Self-Paced Courses is ALWAYS open.
There are no term schedules.
You may enroll at any time for as many courses as you like. Self-Paced courses do not have facilitators or class interaction, so you may complete your courses at your own pace. Work as fast or as slowly as you like.
Concerning Accreditation
The value of any accredited bible college or accredited on line seminary degree is
subjective, depending on the amount of work that went into earning it, the student’s
attitude and aptitude, and external circumstances related to the school itself or to
the graduate’s working world.
You should be aware that many Christian Private Schools, Bible Colleges and Seminaries
elect not to be governed by the U.S. Department of Education and do not seek Regional
Accreditation, which is more common among Secular Colleges and Universities.
Christian Educational Ministries are automatically exempt from the dictates of both
the Government and secular accreditation agencies. Eternal Life Bible College,like other
Christian Education Ministries, has full theological accreditation which is recognized and
respected as an acceptable form of accreditation for those inpursuit of ministry related avocations.
Eternal Life Bible College in association with Eternal Life Ministries and other Bible Colleges is both a state authorized and theologically accredited institution of higher learning. Most accredited Bible colleges have their own criteria for recognition and acceptability of on line educational credits. The individual should always address specific questions to selected institutions in determining their particular criteria concerning accreditation.
Eternal Life Bible College is an educational outreach of Eternal Life Worship Center. Our purpose is to equip individuals with bible knowledge and practical ministry to make an impact in this world and carry out the Great Commission and sending laborers into the harvest field. Our Institute was established in 2013 as Mark of Excellence Bible Training Center and changed its name to our present name in 2014.